
Thursday, 27 February 2025


 4th Class have been enjoying hurling lessons for the past three weeks. Many thanks to Ian Murphy from Abbeyknockmoy Hurling Club for volunteering his time to come in and support the children. They are really enjoying the sessions and we can see huge improvements each week in the children's confidence and ability!!

Friday, 14 February 2025

Internet Safety 2025


This week in 4th Class we celebrated Internet Safety Day. We spoke about the benefits associated with the internet and learned about the importance of safety when working online. The children in 4th Class had some excellent ideas on how to use the internet safely and responsibly. 

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Christmas Art


We used circular things around the classroom and traced them on paper. We cut them out and painted them different shades of blue. We used cotton buds to make snowflakes out of them. We cut them up and stuck them on the blue circles. 



We painted the background multicoloured. For the penguin we traced out a body on black paper, orange for the nose and white for the belly. We cut them out. We glued the penguin to the multicoloured background when it was dry. 


Polar bears:
These are our polar bears and penguins. First we cut out our winter animals on black paper. We used crepe paper for the background. I did a penguin, others did polar bears. 

3D Christmas trees: 

We coloured 4 Christmas trees, We folded the trees in half. Then we stick them together. We had lovely Christmas trees then. 


Friday, 22 December 2023

Sustainable travel

 We made the bridges out of recyclable materials. It was very fun. We were asked to create a way of getting from the school to the playground safely. 


Tasting experiment

We closed our eyes and blocked our noses to see if it would effect our sense of taste. We wrote our results on our white boards, We were given different food options to taste. We had to try and guess what was what. 

By S O'L 

Have you got math's eyes?


We had to take of a picture of something around the school or in the village. Then we had to write math's questions about the picture. There was a competition that Miss Beecher ran. The winners in our class were Mia and Finn. We had a bunch of fun making these and a few of them are decorated such as Finn, Agnes, Mia and Thomas
written by JF

Coding Week

It was fun to play the game. What you had to do was move a little man on the screen and there are 10 levels. We had to give the directiions. The highest level somebody got to was level 6. 3 people got to level 6. It was easy and hard and as I said it was a fun activity.
By J H