Halloween bats:
We got a piece of paper with lots of lines on it. Some people painted the bats and some people coloured them in. Then we painted in the background and we had a choice of painting the background purple or blue. We painted the moon yellow and we let it dry. After it was dry we did lines on it going different directions.
By HC.
Halloween weaving pumpkins:
We made these pumpkins by getting a paper plate and painting it orange we cut eight sides of the plate and then we got string off Ms Harrington. We put the string through the holes that we cut. When we got that done we tied up the string. We got another piece of string and a plastic needle. We put the string through the top of the needle then we kept doing circles.
By PC.
Pumpkin faces
We made these pumpkin faces with orange, black and white card. We were allowed to make a hat, a mouth, teeth, eyes and a nose. We made the mouth black and the teeth white. Some people did it the opposite way around. We were allowed to make hats and most people did make a hat. We coloured paper green for a stalk.
Written by NW.
And of course we got dressed up on the Friday before our Midterm break!